Decision Science

o satisfy investors, asset managers must justify strategies—both with specific investment decisions and portfolio performance. Indus Valley Partners can help satisfy PnL finance inquiries quickly while telling a cohesive story. With increasing demand for transparency, profit and loss attribution analysis offers a detailed breakdown of how and why a portfolio achieved its results. By leveraging these insights, asset managers can provide a comprehensive view of their strategies, ensuring that stakeholders are well-informed.
IVP Decision Science is a portfolio analytics platform, one of several within IVP’s asset management software solutions suite, that enables asset managers to quantify, analyze, and track portfolio theses and generate insights into profit and loss attribution, investment risk, and portfolio performance across strategies, analysts, and sectors. The end result is a custom front-office narrative backed by portfolio insights and detailed performance attribution. By understanding and communicating the intricacies of PnL attribution, asset managers can pinpoint the exact drivers of their portfolio’s performance.

Key features

Decision Science Key Features

Perfomance Attribution

Extensive capabilities include multi-factor attribution of returns, security analysis, ex-post and ex-ante attribution, and calculation trees, with in-depth reporting on P&L attribution.

Accurate Insights

Organize and visualize the data required to generate impactful insights into profit and loss attribution analysis, investment risk, and portfolio performance.

Sentiment Analysis

Remove noise from vast amounts of social information to identify and analyze sentiment
with precision.

Real-time Alerts

Set up custom alerts and notifications to improve awareness of specific events occurring across multiple portfolios.

Active Reporting

Generate insights for front office teams with active portfolio reporting, including slice-and-dice reports, ad hoc analysis, and on-the-fly reporting.

What’s Possible with Decision Science

Multi-Factor Performance Attribution

Strategy-Specific Scorecards

Drill Through Ex-Post Risk Analytics

Investment Thesis Tracking

Asset-Specific Views and Analytics

What-If Portfolio Analysis

Signal/Trend Generation

Roadmap to Efficient Portfolios

IVP Decision Science helps asset managers complete all the steps required to build efficient portfolios and communicate front office narratives effectively through the use of comprehensive P&L attribution analysis.

Roadmap to Efficient Portfolios
By The Numbers


AUM managed using IVP technology


AUM reported through IVP Regulatory
Reporting Platform


Strategy & Bespoke Projects delivered


Fund managers using IVP Solutions


Fund Managers using IVP “Digital First” Managed Services


Global hedge fund AUM running through IVP products

Customer Use Cases


Generate real-time insights and advanced portfolio analytics

Investor Relations

Create and distribute intelligent reports

Risk Team

Set up real-time portfolio alerts and notifications

Delivering Specialized Solutions Across Industry

Enterprise Data Management

A next-generation, cloud-ready master data management platform that processes, transforms, governs, catalogs, and delivers data to and from any destination.

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Security and Reference Master

A reference data management solution with a highly configurable core and intuitive data modeling that combine to create an accurate reference master more efficiently.

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Data Warehouse

Our cloud data warehouse solution makes it easy to collate, cleanse, enrich, and manage enterprise data from internal systems, fund admins, brokers, and third-party systems for performance reporting, analytics, and more.

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Portfolio Solution

Our next-generation, AWS-hosted portfolio management platform provides a wide array of key modules and helps funds coach investment teams on blind spots with intelligent insights.

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Reconciliation as a Service

Reconciliation as a Service

Enhance efficiency and control with IVP Reconciliation as a Service: scalable, cloud-based, secure, and cost-effective for rapid, accurate reconciliations.

Resources For Growing Your Firm

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