Jurisdictional nuances for AIFMD Annex IV reporting
The Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive (AIFMD) Annex IV transparency reporting requirements pose a significant challenge for EU-based alternative investment fund managers (AIFM) and non-EU-based managers who market alternative investment funds (AIF) within the European Union.
Each AIFM is solely responsible for understanding the specific nuances of regulators’ requirements and reporting needs. The transparency reporting process requires precise information about AIFMs and the AIFs being managed separately in each jurisdiction where the fund is marketed. Due to the numerous reporting jurisdictions based on AIFM domiciles, managers can face an additional challenge when submitting the requirements given the complexity of various structures, formats and submission platforms.
In this article, we have detailed the relevant information needed when submitting these reports across the most commonly marketed jurisdictions.
Jurisdiction | Luxembourg |
Glossary | E – Entity type of sender, Can be one of P, B, I, S, K and 1 IIIIIIII – Identification number of sender A – Entity type of AIFM, constant and A always NNNNNNNN – Identification number of AIFM F – Entity type of AIF (Is always F for AIFM, is either of K, O, V for AIF) MMMMMMMM – Identification number of AIF, 0 is case of AIFM CCCCCCCC – Sub Fund number, 0 incase of AIFM YYYYMMDDHHMMSS – Year, Months, Date, hours, minutes, seconds convention |
Final Submission File type | Zip |
Filing System | E-File & SOFiE SORT – ATLAS |
Helpdesk/Email | http://www.cssf.lu/en/contact/ |
Regulator | CSSF |
Jurisdiction | Ireland |
Glossary | AIFMCode – Alphanumeric Code as present in Jurisdiction Config YYYYMMDD – Date of reporting the filing |
Final Submission File type | XMLs |
Naming Convention of Submission File | Same as XMLs |
Filing System | ONR |
Helpdesk/Email | enquiries@centralbank.ie +353 (0)1 224 5800 |
Regulator | Central Bank of Ireland |
Jurisdiction | Finland |
XML Naming Format | envelope – header _<module>_<typeofreportinginstitution > _<reportingentityId> _<period>.xml encrypted envelope – header_<module>_< typeofreportinginstitution> _<reportingentityId> _<period>.encrypted.xml AIFMD report – <module> _<typeofreportinginstitution> _<reportingentityId> _<period>.xml encrypted AIFMD report – < module>_<typeofreportinginstitution> _<reportingentityId> _<period>.encrypted.xml submission file – container_<module> _& lt;reportingentityId> _<period>.zip submission file including several submission files – <AIFMD>_<id>.zip |
Glossary | header – ID of the envelope: header <module> – AIFM report: AIFM or AIF report: AIF <typeofreportinginstitution> – Type of reporting institution of AIFM <reportingentityId> – ID of the AIFM (LEI/TK-tunnus/Y-tunnus) <period> – date of reported information (yyyymmdd) <container> – ID of the submission file: container AIFMD – ID of a file containing several submission files: AIFMD <id> – free-form ID, e.g. consecutive number |
Final Submission File type | Zip |
Naming Convention of Submission File | <AIFMD>_<id>.zip |
Filing System | Jakelu Distribution service |
Helpdesk/Email | AIFMDReportingHelpdesk@fiva.fiEmail Test Environment email ID: TK_rahoitus@bof.fiProd Submission Email id – RAHOITUS@bof.fi |
Regulator | FIN-FSA |
Jurisdiction | Sweden |
XML Naming Format | AIFM – AIFM_SWEDEN_FormId.xml AIF – AIF_SWEDEN_FormId_FundId.xml* Separate xml for each AIF |
Glossary | FormId – free-form ID, e.g. consecutive number FundId – free-fund ID, e.g. consecutive number |
Final Submission File type | XMLs |
Naming Convention of Submission File | Same as XMLs |
Filing System | FI Periodic Reporting Portal |
Helpdesk/Email | finansinspektionen@fi.se +46 8 408 980 00 |
Regulator | Finansinspektionen |
Jurisdiction | Denmark |
XML Naming Format | AIFM – IAMLegalName_ AIFMNationalCode.xml AIF – IAF1FundName_ AIFNationalCode.xml IAF2FundName_ AIFNationalCode.xml Note: IAF1, IAF2, IAF3 represent sections 24(1), 24(2) and 24(4) respectively |
Glossary | |
Final Submission File type | XMLs |
Naming Convention of Submission File | Same as XMLs |
Filing System | FIONA |
Helpdesk/Email | fiona@ftnet.dk +45 33 55 82 82 |
Regulator | National Bank of Denmark |
Jurisdiction | United Kingdom |
Glossary | FormId – free-form ID, e.g. consecutive number |
Final Submission File type | XMLs |
Naming Convention of Submission File | Same as XMLs |
Filing System | Regdata |
Helpdesk/Email | firm.queries@fca.org.uk RegData.TEST@fca.org.uk; |
Regulator | FCA |
Jurisdiction | Germany |
XML Naming Format | AIFM – AIFM_GERMANY_FormId.xml AIF – AIF_GERMANY_FormId.xml |
Glossary | FormId – free-form ID, e.g. consecutive number |
Final Submission File type | Gzip |
Naming Convention of Submission File | AIFM – AIFM_GERMANY_FormId.xml.gz / AIFM_GERMANY_FormId.gz AIF – AIF_GERMANY_FormId.xml.gz / AIF_GERMANY_FormId.gz |
Filing System | BaFin Internal Portal |
Helpdesk/Email | Support-AIFMD-Report@bafin.de, mvp-support@bafin.de |
Regulator | BAFIN – Germany |
Jurisdiction | Norway |
XML Naming Format | AIFM – AIFM_Norway_FormId.xml AIF – AIF_Norway_FormId.xml |
Glossary | FormId – free-form ID, e.g. consecutive number |
Final Submission File type | XMLs |
Naming Convention of Submission File | Same as XMLs |
Filing System | ALTINN |
Helpdesk/Email | AIFMD-rapportering@finanstilsynet.no. |
Regulator | Financial Supervisory Authority of Norway |
Jurisdiction | Cyprus |
XML Naming Format | AIFM– {TRS username}_DATMAN_CY_XXXXXX_YY AIF– {TRS username}_DATAIF_CY_XXXXXX_YY |
Glossary | {TRS username} – TRS username for the XML file is the username of the TRS credentials, in capital letters, given to the AIF Manager by the CySEC after request. XXXXXX – It denotes a unique six-digit sequence number that the AIFM will give to the file. This sequence number changes every time there is a new submission. The uniqueness of this number applies to cases that the AIFM corrects a previously erroneous file. This six-digit can be any number that the AIFM wishes as long as the above requirements are met. YY – this denotes the year (in a two-digit format) that the submission is made. For example all the submissions in 2016 should have the ‘16’ numbering the end of the reporting period of the xml file. |
Final Submission File type | XMLs |
Naming Convention of Submission File | Same as XMLs |
Filing System | Through SFTP |
Helpdesk/Email | supervision@cysec.gov.cy |
Regulator | Cyprus Security and Exchange Commission |
Jurisdiction | Netherlands |
XML Naming Format | AIFM – AIFM_NETHERLANDS_FormId.xml AIF – AIF_NETHERLANDS_ FormId_FundId.xml |
Glossary | FormId – free-form ID, e.g. consecutive number FundId – free-fund ID, e.g. consecutive number |
Final Submission File type | XMLs |
Naming Convention of Submission File | Same as XMLs |
Filing System | |
Helpdesk/Email | DeNederlandscheBank@dnb.nl |
Regulator | De Nederlandsche Bank |
Jurisdiction | France |
XML Naming Format | Company_FileType_AMF _Sequence_Year. xml |
Glossary | Company = Manager’s AMF Identifier FileType is a 6 character string. This field identifies the type of data contained in the file: – “DATMAN” for a manager reporting file; (AIFM) – “DATAIF” for an FIA Reporting file; (AIF) Sequence is a 6 character numeric sequence. This number is incremented each time a newsent file is. It can start again at 000000 after 999999. If the same file is returned several times, a new sequence number is supplied Year is a 2-digit integer that contains the year of the Reporting period for which the file was generated. |
Final Submission File type | XMLs in Zipped Folders |
Naming Convention of Submission File | Company_FileType_AMF_Sequence_Year. Zip Company_FileType_AMF_Sequence_Year. xml |
Filing System | GECO |
Helpdesk/Email | info@afm.nl; aifm@amf-france.org |
Regulator | AMF |
Jurisdiction | Iceland |
XML Naming Format | AIFM – AIFM_Iceland_FormId.xml AIF – AIF_Iceland_FormId.xml |
Glossary | FormId – free-form ID, e.g. consecutive number |
Final Submission File type | XMLs |
Naming Convention of Submission File | Same as XMLs |
Filing System | Icelandic Entities- FSA (FME) web service Non- Icelandic Entities – email to <aifmd@sedlabanki.is></aifmd@sedlabanki.is> |
Helpdesk/Email | adstod@sedlabanki.is |
Regulator | Central Bank of Iceland |
Jurisdiction | Belgium |
XML Naming Format | AIFM – AIFM_Belgium_FormId.xml AIF – AIF_Belgium_FormId_FundId.xml* Separate xml for each AIF |
Glossary | FormId – free-form ID , e.g. consecutive number |
Final Submission File type | XMLs |
Naming Convention of Submission File | Same as XMLs |
Filing System | FiMiS |
Helpdesk/Email | opm.reporting@fsma.be, FiMiS@fsma.be |
Regulator | Financial Services and Markets Authority (Belgium) |
In addition to the above list, there are numerous other jurisdictions with their own set of reporting formats and variances, making it imperative for managers to keep themselves abreast of the latest technological advancements available for regulatory reporting.
IVP’s regulatory reporting solution, REGULATORY REPORTING is the industry’s leading reporting tool that streamlines global filings, disclosures and trade reports to maximize transparency. Filing on behalf of 50+ AIFM clients globally for over five years, REGULATORY REPORTING automates compliance needs with confidence and ensures a smoother filing experience overall.
For more information and a demo of REGULATORY REPORTING, contact us at sales@ivp.in.
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